AUTOREP Command :
(autorep lists a variety of information about jobs, machines, and global variables currently defined in the AutoSys database.)$autorep -J Nightly_Download
Job Name Last Start Last End ST RunPri/Xit
________________ _____________________________________ _________
Nightly_Download 11/10/1997 17:0011/10/1997 17:52SU 101/1
Watch_4_file 11/10/1997 17:0011/10/1997 17:13SU 101/1
filter_data 11/10/1997 17:13 11/10/1997 17:24SU 101/1
update_DBMS 11/10/1997 17:24 11/10/1997 17:52SU 101/1
autorep -J Nightly_Download -d
Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
________________ ____________________________________________________
Nightly_Download 11/10/1997 17:00 11/10/1997 17:52SU 101/1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- -------------------------------------------------------
RUNNING 11/10/1997 17:00:12 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:00:17
SUCCESS 11/10/1997 17:52:31 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:52:32
Watch_4_file 11/10/1997 17:00 11/10/1997 17:13 SU 101/1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- -------------------------------------------------------
STARTING 11/10/1997 17:00:13 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:00:19
RUNNING 11/10/1997 17:00:19 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:00:29 gateway
SUCCESS 11/10/1997 17:13:22 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:13:31
filter_data 11/10/1997 17:13 11/10/1997 17:24 SU 101/1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- -------------------------------------------------------
STARTING 11/10/1997 17:13:32 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:13:34 gateway
RUNNING 11/10/1997 17:13:38 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:13:45 gateway
SUCCESS 11/10/1997 17:24:23 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:24:30
update_DBMS 11/10/1997 17:24 11/10/1997 17:52 SU 101/1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- -------------------------------------------------------
STARTING 11/10/1997 17:24:16 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:24:22 gateway
RUNNING 11/10/1997 17:24:20 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:24:29 gateway
SUCCESS 11/10/1997 17:52:23 1 PD 11/10/1997 17:52:31
autorep -J RunData -d -r -1
(detailed report for one run back)
Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
_____________ ________________________________________________________
RunData 08/15/1997 12:14 08/15/1997 12:15 FA 2565/11
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
-------------- -----------------------------------------------------
STARTING 08/15/1997 12:14:56 1 PD 08/15/1997 12:15:00 venice
RUNNING 08/15/1997 12:14:58 1 PD 08/15/1997 12:15:05 venice
FAILURE 08/15/1997 12:15:00 1 PD 08/15/1997 12:15:05
[*** ALARM ***]
JOBFAILURE 08/15/1997 12:15:04 1 PD 08/15/1997 12:15:10 venice
[STARTJOB] 08/15/1997 12:15:38 0 PD 08/15/1997 12:15:46
autorep -M ALL
(lists all machines defined on the data-server)
Machine Name Max Load Current LoadFactor O/S
_______________ ________ __________________ _____
london 100 0 1.00 Unix
berlin 90 0 0.90 NT
v_italy.rome 0 0 0.00 Unix
v_italy.venice 0 0 0.00 Unix 100 0 1.00 NT
v_france.cannes 75 0 1.00 NT
autorep -J RunData -o 0
(override report, showing the current one-time job override in effect for the job)
/* -------------------- over -------------------- */
override_job: RunData
/* Over-Ride #2 Set by User: roger@venice on [07/28/1997 16:13:59] */
command: /bin/rundata2
autorep -J RunData -o 1
(showing the first one-time job override for the job)
/* -------------------- over -------------------- */
override_job: RunData
/* Over-Ride #1 Set by User: roger@venice on [07/25/1997 18:23:45] */
/* Was RUN on run_num=175, Started on: 07/25 18:24:01 */
command: /bin/rundata1
autorep -G DAY
autorep -G ALL
Global Name Value Last Changed
------------ ------------ -------------------
DAY Wednesday 11/12/1997 12:18:27
AUDIT_DIR /usr/audit11/12 /1997 12:41:00
DINNER_TIME 18:30 11/12/1997 12:40:00
MAX_VAL 2048 11/12/1997 12:30:24
autorep -J Box3 -s -L 2
(summary report on the top two levels of boxes in the job named “Box3”)
autorep -J MyJob -d -t
(include the time zone specification in a detailed report for the last run of the job named “MyJob”)
Job Name Last Start Last End ST Run Pri/Xit
_____________________________ _________________ _______ _____ _______
MyJob 12/10/1997 17:30 12/10/1997 17:30 SU 102/1
Status/[Event] Time Ntry ES ProcessTime Machine
STARTING 12/10/1997 17:30:05 1 PD 12/10/1997 16:30:13 localhost
RUNNING 12/10/1997 17:30:08 1 PD 12/10/1997 16:30:13 localhost
SUCCESS 12/10/1997 17:30:10 1 PD 12/10/1997 16:30:13
[STARTJOB] 12/10/1997 17:30:00 0 UP
<Event was Scheduled based on Job Definition.>
autorep -J ALL -q > dump_file
The output of this command is formatted exactly as a JIL job
definition script, like this:
insert_job: test_job
job_type: c
command: sleep 60
machine: juno
#owner: jerry@jupiter
permission: gx,ge,wx
alarm_if_fail: 1
You can save this file as a backup of job definitions, or you can use a
text editor to quickly edit the job definitions. To re-load the job
definitions into the AutoSys database, using the following jil
jil < dump_file
(Sends events to AutoSys for a variety of purposes, including starting or stopping AutoSys jobs, stopping the Event Processor, and putting a job on hold. This command is also used to set AutoSys global variables or cancel a scheduled event.)sendevent -J test_install -E STARTJOB
To start a job named “test_install” that has no starting conditions (and therefore must be started manually)
sendevent -J wait_job -E FORCE_STARTJOB -C "tired of waiting,forced it"
To force a job to start named “wait_job”, which is waiting on the completion of another job, and explain the reasons for your action.
sendevent -J ready_to_run -E JOB_ON_HOLD -P 1
To change the status of a job called “ready_to_run” to ON_HOLD to prevent its execution, and to assign the sendevent command a high priority so it will be sent immediately,
sendevent -J ready_to_run -E JOB_OFF_HOLD
When you want the above job to run, enter this
sendevent -J lock_out -E JOB_ON_HOLD -T "11/08/1997 11:00"
sendevent -J lock_out -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -T "11/08/1997 14:00"
To prevent a job called “lock_out” from running between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., a pair of sendevent commands could be used to place it on hold during that time.
sendevent -E COMMENT -C "have not received EOD files - an hour late again"
write a comment into the Event Processor log file
sendevent -E STOP_DEMON -T "11/09/1997 02:30" -C "stopped for upgrade"
To stop the Event Processor at 2:30 a.m. on November 9, 1997 (it is always a good idea to attach a comment to this event)
sendevent -J resource_hog -E CHANGE_PRIORITY -q 10 -M 5
To change a job called “resource_hog” to a lower priority (it is currently at 1 and is not yet running), and to only issue the sendevent command 5 times, rather than letting it try indefinitely. command will change the job queue priority only for the next run of the job.
sendevent -J wrong_job -E KILLJOB -S PRD
To kill a job named “wrong_job” which is running on another AutoSys instance called “PRD”,
sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "today=12/25/1997"
To set a global variable named “today” having a value of “12/25/1997”,
sendevent -E SET_GLOBAL -G "today=DELETE"
To delete the global variable named “today”,
sendevent -E SEND_SIGNAL -J RunData -k 1
To send the Unix signal number 1 to a job named “RunData”,
sendevent -E JOB_OFF_HOLD -J RunData -u
To cancel all unprocessed JOB_OFF_HOLD events for a job named “RunData”,